From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 2980
Date: 2003-04-14
----- Original Message -----From: Daniel BraySent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 2:44 AMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Bodvar Bjarki translationHeil Sarah,Here's my translation:
Böðvarr Bjarki at the Court of King Hrólf
Chapter 23. lines 1-8Síðan fór Böðvarr leið sína til Hleiðagarðs. Hann kømr til konungs atsetu. Böðvarr leiðir síðan hest sinn á stall hjá konungs hestum hinum beztum ok spyrr engan at, gekk síðan inn í höllina, ok var þar fátt manna. Hann sezk útarliga, ok sem hann hefir verit þar lítla hríð, heyrir hann þrausk nökkut útar í hornit í einhverjum stað. Böðvarr lítr þangat ok sér at mannshönd kømr upp ór mikilli beinahrúgu, er þar lá, höndin var svört mjök.
Then Böðvarr made his way to Hleiðagarðr. He came to the kings residence. Böðvarr then led his horse to the stall next to the kings best horses and asked noone about it, then went into the hall, and few men were there. He sat near the entrance, and when he had been there a little while, he heard some commotion further out in the corner somewhere. Böðvarr looked there and saw that a mans hand stuck out from a great pile of bones, which lay there, the hand was very black.
Sarah Bowen wrote:
Hello! Following on from my suggestion of using my uni notes to work on a translation of Bodvar Bjarki, Thomas and Laurel both expressed an interest. So, for you and anyone else out there who wants to join us, here goes... I have typed up the first few lines in a Word document (attached) because I can't make my keyboard type the letter hooked o or o with a diagonal line through it when I'm doing an email, but I can in Word. You can post your translations in an email and I will respond likewise so that everyone can see what we're doing and jump in to help if we go wrong. The passage in Gordon's reader begins mid way through chapter 23 with Bodvar arriving at King Hrolf's court where he has come to enter the king's service. Previously, he has been visiting his brothers and on his way to king Hrolf's he lodged with a peasant couple who told him that their son, Hott, was at the court and being badly treated by the courtiers and they ask Bodvar to be kind to him. Have fun!Sarah. ps. let me know if you want a glossary of words.
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Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)