I've been asked to do a vocab list for the Bodvar story, so here goes...
síðan    (adverb)      then, afterwards
leið    (noun, fem)    way, journey, road, path
atseta    (noun, fem)    residence
leiða    (verb)            to lead
hjá        (prep)            next to, alongside
(h)inn    (def. art, masc)  the
engi        (pron)        no-one, none 
holl        (noun)        hall  ... sorry this o should be 'hooked'
fár        (noun)      a few, a small number ... here neuter form
sezk reflexive from from setjask    (verb)    ...to seat oneself
hríð        (noun, fem)    while
þrausk    (noun, neut)    noise, rummaging
einhverr    (pron)        a certain, some, someone
líta        (verb)        to look
beinahrúga    (noun)    pile of bones
mjok    (adverb)    much, very  ... sorry this o should be 'hooked'
Hope this helps!