Great job, pals. Congratulations!
--- Alfta <
alfta@...> wrote:
> Heil all,
> It gives me great pleasure to announce that we have
> completed a project that
> was started 2 years ago and that is the transcribing
> of Zo�ga's Concise
> Dictionary of Old Icelandic into .HTML files at the
> Northvegr site. Last
> night I uploaded the finaly 40 pages and now the
> dictionary is complete in
> .HTML (excepting some of the tables at the end.) I
> would like to take the
> oppurtunity to think all those people who freely and
> generously contributed
> to making this project happen, including the
> Scandinavian section at UCLA.
> Foremost among these was my partner in this project,
> Tom Wulf. The project
> never would have been done this soon without his
> efforts. You can see a
> list of credits on the main page at:
> Some thing of interest to Students of Old Norse.
> We now have a search box on the dictionary main
> index:
> which
> you can now use Google
> to search the dictionary. I am sure this will be a
> great benefit to those
> studying Old Norse, as it will allow English words
> to be searched as well
> the Old Norse words. The last 40 pages have not
> been crawled by Google yet
> but I expect that will happen very soon and then the
> entire dictionary will
> be available for search through Google.
> Although I am fairly confident of a 99% accuracy
> rate that still leaves a
> lot of small mistakes in a work of this size. I
> have begun a second
> proofreading and have the first 60 pages done and
> available for download in
> .RTF file format. As I get more pages proofread
> I'll have them available as
> I get them done for download from the main index
> page. And of course if you
> find typos please do let us know so we can make the
> .HTML more accurate.
> You can send notices of typos to northvegr@...
> .
> Although we are done with our first goal we have
> other goals we will be
> working on, that include a CD-ROM version of the
> dictionary and an e-book
> version. No info right now on when those will be
> ready but I will let the
> list know when they are.
> regards,
> - Alfta "Svanni" Odhinssen
> Northvegr: The Northern Way
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