From: Daniel Bray
Message: 2901
Date: 2003-04-02
> Hi everybody, I have already posted two or three "neewbie" question--
> about the Old Norse. I understand very well the sentiment
> of "ignorance" that beginenrs like me can have. When I read posts
> like Konrad's one, I just wish one day I will know the quarter of
> what he knows. Now I have just finished the lesson 5, and I'm
> ready to do the 6th. I Think I began this course 1 month ago, and
> considering the fact that I'm not anglophone, but francophone,
> learning Old Norse in English was particuliary hard. But I think
> that the lesson couldn't be more great than the one that Haukur and
> Óskar did. Even if I'm fare to be able to read a real Saga in Old
> Norse, i think that I made a good learning of this language. As I
> know that the lesson will probably never be finished, I searched new
> ways to increase my skills in ON. So I came to this group, and
> eventually, I will buy books.
> Since the post of Teja, it seems there is like a trying
> of "revolution" in this groupe, and I think it could be a good idea
> to say what is my thinking about this. First, I have already said,
> I understant the feeling of beginners who are a litle bit afraid of
> posting here, and asking "stupid" question as I did. So I think
> that this is a good thing that beginners ask their questions here.
> But this is not a reason to prevent "intelligent" peoples from
> posting more "complicated" things here. Quite the opposite, if
> there are only beginners here, the group won't go very far, as Arlie
> Stephens said. But if there is no "intelligent" people who answer
> to beginners' questions, the group won't go very far as well!!
> So this is just my comment, take it if you want.
> Haraldr
> --- In, Teja Johnson-Lewis
> <celestialmoon2light@...> wrote:
> >
> > I'm very humiliated about my last e-mail, which I realize was more
> than a bit off-topic (as Arlie so graciously pointed out) HOWEVER,
> that doesn't stop the truth.
> >
> > THE TRUTH: the truth is that norse course is overrun by smart
> people! As a beginner who hasn't even made it to the eighth lesson
> yet, I myself feel a bit intimidated by brilliant Konrad and the
> rest of his linguistic pals. They are very familiar with old norse
> and it's messing with a lot of people's response to the course.
> People need to write more often to the course even if you're
> embarassed or feel silly. I feel silly as I type, but oh, well. I
> think that there are a lot of members of the course who haven't
> spoken up because they're afraid. I wish e-mails could express how
> much I am stressing this concept!!
> >
> > THE PROOF: a few other people have written back, agreeing. Then,
> there's the e-mail that first made me realize that I'm not alone.
> >
> > 1.) Erin Steacy said that she was in lurkdom for most of the time.
> >
> > 2.) Raymond J. Lewis's hogwash comment was very off-topic, but
> helpful nonetheless.
> >
> > 3.) Glessner Robin had the same feeling.
> >
> > 4.) Jennifer L. Culver was on this course for months and didn't
> speak up since a little while ago because she thought that she'd
> appear ignorant of the language because everything looked so high-
> level.
> >
> > Some people also had the advantage of knowing other languages.
> Raymond and myself only know English and the ON concepts are very
> new to us.
> >
> > If you haven't written, please write! I'm willing to listen and
> I'm sure others are, too. It would be easier and more helpful to
> read old norse and questions and answers of our own level, rather
> than reading Konrad-type things. (I only say Konrad because he
> writes the most. Others write too, and they know who they are.)
> Please, please, write!!!
> >
> > Sincerely and desperately, Teja
> >
> >
> >
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