konrad_oddsson <konrad_oddsson@...> wrote:
Ofurl�till: Adj. tiny, remarkably small
st�lka: Fem. girl
foreldrar: Masc. Pl. parents
�sk�p: Neut. Pl. enormity
(here used as an indeclinable adverb)
f�t�kur: Adj. poor
eiga engan a�: Verb. Phrase be alone in the world, have no kith or kin
hvergi: Adv. nowhere
skj�l: Neut. shelter, cover
athvarf: Neut. refuge, shelter
l�ta fyrir berast undir berum himni: Verb. Phrase bivouac
r�m: Neut. bed
loks: Adv. finally
f�t: Neut. Pl. clothes
fatagarmar: Masc. Pl. rags, tatters, wornout clothes
d�l�till: Adj. little, small, short
hleifur: Masc. loaf (of bread)
brau�: Neut. bread
v�nn: Adj. kind (g��ur); handsome (fr��ur); promising, hopeful; big
(st�r) here in the meaning 'kind' (g��ur)
gu�hr�ddur: Adj. godfearing
*Unless otherwise noted, all adjectives are cited in the masculine.Thank you and I'm sorry I was such a pain, but, hey that's what we adolescents do (and I hope I speled that right!)ha ha
Sumir hafa kv��i...
...a�rir spakm�li.
- Keth
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