From: Teja Johnson-Lewis
Message: 2834
Date: 2003-03-24
Arlie Stephens <arlie@...> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 06:07:42AM -0000, haraldr_eikinskjaldi wrote:
> Yes, but when an adjective is used for a definite noun
> (ex. "Konungrinn"), the adjective has a special ending, as it is
> said in lesson 3 :
> "Be careful thus, not to use the forms above with a definite noun,
> for that is (under normal circumstances) wrong.
> The definite declension of adjectives is not presented here yet,
> since it is modelled on a noun declension not yet introduced."
> So it is that definite declension I would like to know.
I was hoping someone with better knowledge would post on this one.
Here's what I think I remember ...
First of all, I don't think "The king is evil" and "The evil king ..."
would use the same forms. I believe the statement above doesn't apply
to constructions like "The king is evil", just to constructions like
"The evil king ..." I'd expect "The king is evil" to be "Konungrinn er illr".
"The evil king" would be "Inn illi konungr" if it's the subject of a sentence.
The complete set of "weak" masculine adjective endings (those used in definite
phrases) is:
sing pl.
n -i -u
a -a -u
g -a -u
d -a -um
> --- In, alex@... wrote:
> > I'm a newbie at this, so I'm not entirely sure but I'm
> > pretty sure the way you say "The king is evil" would be
> > something to the extent of "Konungrinn er illr". In
> > this phrase, Konungr is the nominative subject, thus
> > you add the "r" to the end. To make a noun definite,
> > you simply add the suffix "-inn" to it. Make sense?
> >
> > Your question was-------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > Hi, i begin to work on the lessons few weeks ago, and
> > now i'm on the
> > lesson 5. But I would limke to know how to use
> > adjective with
> > definite nouns. For example, we say "Konungr er illr"
> > for "a king
> > is evil", but how we say "The king is evil" ?????? In
> > the lessons,
> > for now, we have :
> >
> > indef.
> > nom. +r +ir
> > acc. +an +a
> > dat. +um +um
> >
> > but what is the part for definite??
> >
> > thank for your help
(Arlie Stephens arlie@...)I'm not sure, last week I just finished lesson 6, but I think it would be "Konungrinn er illr." -Teja
Sumir hafa kv��i...
...a�rir spakm�li.
- Keth
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