From: Jens Persson
Message: 2807
Date: 2003-03-18
> "North" group "North-West"."Well, maybe it is a good idea.
> Saell Arnljotr!below
> I like your more precise classification-system. See my comments
> under your heading "North Norse" and also about "South" Norwegian.I
> am only offering comments about this classification in so far as Iof
> know what I am talking about from study and experience.
> --- In, "Jens Persson" <arnljotr@...>
> wrote:
> > It is quite amusing to draw linguistical borders in Scandinavia.
> One thing that is clear is that the borders in 14th and 15th
> centuries seem to have been more or less static during the years. I
> would like to propose the following rough subdivision of the Norse
> dialects (note that I have rejected the traditional definition of
> East and West Norse):
> >
> > § South Norse
> > * Jutlandic dialects
> > * Själlandic dialects
> > * Scanian dialects
> >
> > § East Norse
> > * Svealandic dialects
> > * Ålandic dialect
> > * Norse spoken in southwest Finland
> >
> > § "Far East" Norse
> > * Gotlandic
> > * Farish
> > * Baltic Norse (including Ucrainian divison)
> >
> > § Central Norse
> > * East Norwegian dialects
> > * Dialects spoken in Götaland
> > * Dialects spoken in Värmland
> >
> > § West Norse
> > * West Noprwegian dialects
> > * Faroese dialects
> > * Icelandic dialects
> >
> > § North Norse
> > * Tröndish dialects
> I would either re-classify Throndish as "West" or re-name the whole
> "North" group "North-West". Trondish is not only on the other side
> the "keel" separating Norway from Sweden, it is also historicallythe
> "same" language as Icelandic or Faroese. Large numbers of Throendirjust
> became Icelanders or Faroe Islanders. Historical "Throenska" is
> regular old West Norse masquerading under a localized name.Norse"
> > * Jamtlandic dialects
> > * Norrlandic dialects
> > * Norse spoken in west Finland
> >
> > Dalecarlian may be put in either "§ East Norse" or "§ North
> (originally the former, I guess). Northern Norwegian may be put inor "§
> either "§ West Norse" or "§ North Norse" (originally the former, I
> guess).
> Exactly. "North" and "West is the same for Norway, Iceland, Faroes.
> > The dialect of Bohuslän may be put in either "§ South Norse"
> Central Norse" (probably the latter). One could also think ofputting
> some South Norwegian dialects in either "§ West Norse" or "§ Southto
> Norse" (probably the former).
> South Norwegian could hardly be classified as "West Norse". It has
> go into one of the other categories.former).
> > I also wonder if some Norse dialects in Finland and Russia should
> be in "§ East Norse" or in "§ "Far" East Norse" (probably the
> > I think this subdivision is more adequate than the simple East
> West Norse one, at least for the period 1400-1900. In fact, insteadvs
> of speaking about an important west vs east branch of Norse, one
> should speak about a south vs north branch, and an Atlantic branch
> a mainland one (probably equally important, more or less).With
> The dialectical situation in Scandinavia is certainly quite a bit
> more comlicated than many are either aware of or want to admit.
> the onset of the 13th century (and especially after the BlackDeath),
> the situation became far more complicated than it had ever been atis
> any point in the history of Scandinavia from the time the earliest
> Germanic settlers arrived. While Proto-Norse is thought by modern
> linguists to have had some dialectical differences along lines
> of "east" and "west", these differences were very minor. That Proto-
> Norse was fundamentally the "same" language throughout Scandinavia
> strongly supported by modern research. The division into "east" andmodern
> "west" dates from the Viking Age. According to this traditional div-
> ision, all modern Scandinavian should be classified as "east" Norse
> with the sole exceptions of Icelandic, Faroese and **very few West
> Norwegian minority-dialects of "landsmal" (such as that spoken in
> Sunnmoeri, for example)**. The asteriks are there because many
> linguists would agree that 'there is no true West Norse in Norway'.Norse
> Classifying "west" Norse is easy today, but classifying "east"
> would be very difficult. For the purposes of your classification, Ifor
> would do 3 things: 1) throw Icelandic and Faroese into the same cat-
> gory and forget about them 2) ignore "west" and "north" Norwegian
> the time being 3) spend a lot of time thinking about the rest ofsome
> Scandinavia - the part that goes under the heading "east".
> > I hope Konrad will give his personal opinion on this.
> There is certainly a lot to think about here.
> Regards,
> Konrad.
> > Skål ta mej faan!
> >
> > /Arnljotr (or whatever my name is)
> >
> >
> > --- In, "konrad_oddsson"
> > <konrad_oddsson@...> wrote:
> > > Here is what Gordon says about Old Norwegian:
> > >
> > > "Icelandic and Norwegian remained very similar until the 13th
> > > century, when important differences began to appear. There were
> > > dialects within Norwegian itself, which may be divided into two
> > > groups, East and West Norwegian. The dialectical boundary was
> > > roughly a line drawn from Grenland to Raumsdal. East Norwegian
> > > differed from Icelandic more than West Norwegian, agreeing with
> Old
> > > Swedish in most of the additional differences."
> > >
> > > I fully agree with Gordon on this. Having recently examined
> ofis
> > > the surviving early manuscripts in Old Norwegian of the western
> > > variety, I have come to the rather old conclusion that Norway
> > > linguistically speaking two separate countries. One canhad
> understand
> > > why speakers of surviving West Norse dialects in Norway have
> tolikely
> > > fight an unending battle for recognition against the richer and
> > more
> > > numerous Danish-speakers in the south. Had it been up to
> linguists
> > > to decide where the boundary lines were drawn, they would
> > > have followed Gordon and partitioned Norway into two countries.I
> > > can testify from my own personal reading that the languages ofway
> the
> > > Faroe Islands, Iceland and Northern and Western Norway were for
> all
> > > practical purposes the same language into the 13th century. In
> > fact,
> > > the diffences were so few that one could almost get away with
> using
> > > the phrase 'exactly the same'. Old West Norse is a unique
> > language,
> > > even within Scandinavia. It differs at times rather widely from
> the
> > > Eastern Scandinavian languages in various ways, including the
> > inkilled
> > > which it re-analyzed the Proto-Norse vowel-system. It even
> differs
> > > at times in the gender and declension of nouns, the conjugation
> of
> > > verbs, and other obvious features. Before the Black Death
> > offTo
> > > more than half the population of Norway and what remained fell
> > under
> > > Danish administration, the seat of Norwegian power was in the
> > north.
> > > It is strange for those of us living today to imagine a Norway
> > where
> > > West Norse was not only spoken over a rather wide area, but was
> > even
> > > the administrative language of the land. Most of the surviving
> manu-
> > > scripts in Old Norwegian are in West Norse and are believed to
> have
> > > been written in some of the numerous monastaries which once
> existed
> > > throughout Norway before the Black Death and the Reformation.
> > saychanges
> > > that the loss of Norway was a major tragedy for the West Norse
> > world
> > > would be an understatement. It was a near death-blow. The
> > > that began in Norway with the Black Death effectively wiped outBlack
> the
> > > majority of West Norse speakers and most of the language itself
> in
> > > less than 100 years. When the seat of national power moved to
> Oslo
> > > in the south, the process was complete - West Norse had
> effectively
> > > become extinct. During the many centuries to come, the emerging
> > > merchant class centered in the south would determine the future
> of
> > > the country. Unfourtunately for West Norse speakers, this
> merchant
> > > class consisted mostly of 3 non-West Norse speaking groups: 1)
> the
> > > descendants of East Norse speaking natives from before the
> > > Death 2) the Danish East Norse speaking immigrants who came tofrom
> fill
> > > in the buisness and administrative void 3)Germans and others
> > > the mainland of continental Europe, including many Scots andScandinavia
> Dutch.
> > >
> > > When Snorri uses the phrase 'dönsk tunga' to describe his
> language,
> > > he is merely applying a formal title to the speech of
> > > during the centuries leading up to his time. 'Dönsk Tunga'makes
> aScandinavia -
> > > fine proper title for the common language of Gothic
> > it
> > > has a formal ring to it (at least to West Norse ears). However,
> > from
> > > a strictly linguistic point of view, it is rather obvious why
> West
> > > Norse was and is properly called 'Norroena' (or more
> > correctly 'Norð-
> > > roena') - no serious linguist would take issue with this. There
> are
> > > simply too many differences between the East and the West, both
> in
> > > Norway itself as in all of Scandinavia.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Konrad.