From: Josh Geller
Message: 2800
Date: 2003-03-16
> Josh Geller writes:Since I recently watched "Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner" (which I think is
>> On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Teja Johnson-Lewis wrote:
>>> Anyone else here think the many deaths of King Olaf is funny? Ha ha.
>> You mean the several incarnations of Olaf Geirstadalf or something
>> else?
>> Context, please!
> I Think the references are to this Olafr-fellow who seems to incur so much
> trouble and mayhem, and all of it in just the first four lessons or so!
> InI thought it was a guy named Ulf and a guy named Alf, is what I thought.
> lesson one an unspecified regicide (by a ghost) begins the English-language
> component of the festivities (not to mention an aggressive murder of a wolf
> by an elf...nasty bastard!).
> Whereas we are next given 'a' king calledI really wish I had been issued one of those sense of humor things along
> Olafr; in the following ON-section HE stands revealed as a maniac and pest
> to the environment; after first reducing a second wolf, this ornament misses
> the bus on a snake and gets his fool self killed (good, good...).
> Consequently, at the end of section three, a rival franchise-holder in theWhich now makes huge amounts more sense than when I read it.
> kinging business (this bird Sigurdr, with his tatty little sword!) lets
> Olafr have it again (with said sword) and hives off with his ('Olafr's')
> horse. All this jollity in lesson l alone, mind you....