Hi Teja,

If  I would decline "Loki" i´d do it like this: sing.   nom:  loki , gen: loka , dat: loka and acc: loka.If you are meaning the name of the god (which i hope you are) it  has (of course) only singular forms.But i´m not quite sure about this so somebody,please correct me if i´m wrong.



                  Teja Johnson-Lewis <celestialmoon2light@...> wrote:

Okay, I admit it.  I like to write things in ON using my very limited knowledge, seeing as I'm only on level 5 in the 'Old norse for beginners' thing. (basically level six!)  My favorite subject is Loki- the real reason for a 12 year old to start to learn a grammatically difficult language. (that's me, of course.)  One problem- how do you decline Loki?  I have a book, An Introduction to Old Norse, but all I can find in there is "Loki" and "Loka".  That doesn't tell me anything!!  Someone please help me.

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