Heill Jens,
A very interesting field this. I believe the late Prof. Edgar Polomé was
beginning an extensive project on the substrate etyma found in Germanic
languages (there's an article on it in the Journal of Indo-European Studies,
vol. 26, #1&2). Unfortunately, he will never finish this project. It would be
interesting to see the difference (if any) between substrate words in
Scandinavian languages and Continental Germanic. I had read some time ago
that genetic studies indicated that Scandinavia had been extensively settled
by the ancestors of the Saami and Suomi from the north and east before
Germanic settlement from the south.It would be interesting to see if there is
a significant Finno-Ugric substrate in the Scandinavian languages. Has anyone
besides Polomé done any significant work (pref. in English) in this area?
"Jens Persson " wrote:
> Here is an interesting article about the language shift we had in
> Scandinavia for 2500-3000 years ago (it is a supposition, I should
> point out):
> http://www.taurnet.se/historia/jarnsvenska.htm
> I wonder, how is it with the etymology: are there more Indo-European
> etymological ''gaps'' for the Germanic words than for, e.g., the
> Greek or Latin ones? And what about the explanation that these gaps
> can be filled by non-Indo-European words? What about filling them
> with Finnish words?
> I should point out that with Finnish, I do not mean 21th century
> standard Finnish as spoken in Finland; one could imagine an archaic
> uncle within the Finno-Ugric frame.
> Skål ta mej faan!
> /Jens Persson, aka Arnljotr
> "Kan man adoptera barn från Colombia kan man väl också adoptera dem
> från bronsåldern."
> Annika Luther
> Sumir hafa kvæði...
> ...aðrir spakmæli.
> - Keth
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Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
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catastrophe." H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)