Here is an interesting article about the language shift we had in
Scandinavia for 2500-3000 years ago (it is a supposition, I should
point out):
I wonder, how is it with the etymology: are there more Indo-European
etymological ''gaps'' for the Germanic words than for, e.g., the
Greek or Latin ones? And what about the explanation that these gaps
can be filled by non-Indo-European words? What about filling them
with Finnish words?
I should point out that with Finnish, I do not mean 21th century
standard Finnish as spoken in Finland; one could imagine an archaic
uncle within the Finno-Ugric frame.
Skål ta mej faan!
/Jens Persson, aka Arnljotr
"Kan man adoptera barn från Colombia kan man väl också adoptera dem
från bronsåldern."
Annika Luther