There were some posts on this recently, but in case you mised them....
The best book(s) at the moment are:
A new introduction to Old Norse,
Part 1, Grammar. M.P. Barnes
Part 2, Reader.    A. Faulkes
Part 3, Glossary    A. Faulkes
Don't be put off by the fact that there are three parts - they are University paperbacks and so quite cheap.
All are available from the VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH home page
(currently at Sheffield Universities site) or via Amazon.

There is also a book called:
Old Icelandic an introductory course. Sigrid Valfells and James E. Cathey.

It has lots of short texts, and grammar exercise.However their treatment of grammar is rather odd and in my opinion sometimes actually complicates things (Old Norse being made more complex - thats a novel approach!).
Also a lot of his examples and short texts are made up, something many academics object to.
[personally I think a good made up example can explain a point better than apoor example from an original text]
It's ok but Barnes is better.

The classic book is E.V. Gordon, an introduction to Old Norse.
Except it was writtten for university students with a good linguistic background. Not the best book to start on, but nice once you have got going.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kirsten Woodward [mailto:kirstenwoodward1983@...]
Sent: 18 February 2003 18:29
Subject: Re: [norse_course] tips

I would also like to say hello to everyone.

I am studying history and archeology at university at the moment and I have become interested in Old Norse, the mythology and langauge. Im quite new at this so If any one has got any helpfull tips or book lists they could tell me i would be ever so grateful.

Thank you


 Stella Dryden <neogeish@...> wrote:

Hello! this is only a note introducing myself.  I'm
starting classes as of today, I'm 21/femme... so, I
hope you can help me learn a little bit more;)    
Anyways, who else is here? Ciao, Stella

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