would you consider this a fair translation?
--- Kevin Steffen <
modeldsnr@...> wrote:
> Pelle Erobreren wrote:
> >>From: Kevin Steffen <modeldsnr@...>
> >>Out of curiosity, what is the opinion of the
> quality of the Benjamin
> >>Thorpe and I.A. Blackwell translations (1906)?
> My only complaint is
> >>that it does not have the original Old Norse text
> so I can try to follow
> >>along and see what I can learn.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I'm not sure if you are referring to one or two
> translations here.
> >I'm not familiar with Blackwell, but I have seen a
> translation by
> >Thorpe which is dated 1866. Is Thorpe/Blackwell
> perhaps a revised
> >edition of this?
> >
> >However, I was pleasantly surprised by Thorpe's
> translation, because
> >its age indicated a pretty bad one. However, I have
> found it to be
> >surprisingly accurate for such an old translation.
> That said, please
> >understand I am not saying it is without serious
> faults. There are
> >some pretty bad bloopers there, as in most other
> translations, but
> >in many cases it is more accurate than, say,
> Hollander.
> >
> >I wish I could simply recommend one good
> translation to you and all
> >others who care about accuracy, but this is
> something I simply can't
> >do. The only translatation which I consider to be
> accurate enough for
> >unreserved recommendation is Dronke's, but this is
> neither complete
> >nor affordable.
> >
> >
> >
> Thank you Pelle for your response,
> I have two volumes of the 1906 Norroena collection.
> It has the Elder
> Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson translated by Thorpe and
> the Younger Eddas of
> Snorri Sturlesson translated by Blackwell. It does
> not give a
> translation date for either, just a publication
> date.
> Night Winds
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