> Heilsa!
> I am wondering if anyone could help
> translate the following phrases for me?

I usually only provide an "Old Norse" translation to a phrase if the
following conditions are met:

1. I understand the phrase in question.

2. I think it could have been uttered by a Norseman in antiquity;
i.e. it is not completely out of character for the culture and time period.

3. The one asking for the translation has done some legwork himself or,
at least, seems actually interested in learning some Old Norse.

For an example of a good query try this:


In this case "Pelle" answered before I did:



> 1)  "In Rage I Rise to Rown Aright!"
> 2) "Better to never begin; once begun, better finish."
> 3) "Hail upon the Holy Hill (Háaskrhöf ?) of High Ashes,
> hail the Wolf Realm,
> Strength to those who stand within,
> Victory to those with Will to stay.
> Truth and Trust remain,
> Joys pass away.
> These are the words to the Nothingman."