hail all. Two things, 1, Is there a program i can
download for writing in ON or OI. 2, i hope it is ok
to copy the lessons of the web page. Sorry i did not
ask before.
--- "fjornir <
haukurth@...> wrote:
> Heil!
> Three things have contributed to my increased
> capability
> to feature sound files on my website.
> 1. I've got a much better recording device - the
> horrible
> noise of the early recordings is gone.
> 2. My web space at the University has been
> increased.
> 3. I've invested in a home ADSL connection and can
> now
> manipulate largish files in a much easier way.
> This means that I can pretty much produce recordings
> with
> decent sound quality on order.
> - - -
> I've recorded readings for all the F�reyinga saga
> parts that are already on the web.
> http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/reader/reader.html
> I enlisted my brother to read �r�ndr and Sigur�r in
> part six;
> I hope that makes it sound slightly more alive.
> - - -
> I'm still using MP3 (save for one experiment with
> WAV).
> I think that's more generally available than OGG and
> the others. Comments and complaints are welcome.
> - - -
> If any of you are interested in having me read
> something
> else please let me know. If you want the
> "reconstructed"
> pronunciation that's somewhat more difficult,
> though.
> I think I'll only attempt that for short pieces of
> poetry
> or very short prose.
> Kve�ja,
> Haukur
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