Hi Gary,

If you are completely new to learning Old Norse, diving right in and trying
to translate will probably just make you very frustrated, unless you have
an unusual type of mind that finds just diving in to be the easiest way
to learn any language. If you are like me, you'll want to start with Haukur
and Oskar's lessons, which are linked from the group's home page. Go to
The interesting links are in a tool bar on the left side of the screen.

On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 02:22:48PM -0000, konrad_oddsson <konrad_oddsson@...> wrote:
> Sæll Gary!
> --- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, Gary Spaulding <baldr369@...>
> wrote:
> > HAIL ALL, I am new to this group but i have been
> > looking for you for over ten years. I leave on the
> > east coast of the USA. I have been looking to learn
> > the old ways. I have read most that has been writen on
> > the history my me ancesstors now i have te chance to
> > learn my laguage. My e-mail address will tell you were
> > where my heart is. Now can someone help a newbe out
> > and get me started?
> No problem. We are presently in chapter 3 of Færeyinga Saga, which
> is about the history of the early Faroe Islanders. Start by going
> back and reading the portions which have already been read by the
> group (about two pages of text). These are all posted. Do this is
> conjunction with reading the sections on Grammar by Haukur and the
> separate vocabulary lists for each portion of text posted by myself.
> The grammar will help you to understand the different parts of
> speech and how the language as a whole works. The vocabulary entries
> will translate the language and provide some insight into the many
> relationships between words. Each time a new section of the text is
> posted, try to translate the text and post your translation. See how
> far you can get before the vocabulary list is posted. Also, you can
> learn a lot by following the many simultaneous translation efforts
> and interactions between students and teacher. Good luck.
> Regards,
> Konrad.


(Arlie Stephens arlie@...)