Re: Rúniska

From: Gary Spaulding
Message: 2548
Date: 2003-01-25

HAIL ALL, I am new to this group but i have been
looking for you for over ten years. I leave on the
east coast of the USA. I have been looking to learn
the old ways. I have read most that has been writen on
the history my me ancesstors now i have te chance to
learn my laguage. My e-mail address will tell you were
where my heart is. Now can someone help a newbe out
and get me started?

--- "konrad_oddsson <konrad_oddsson@...>"
<konrad_oddsson@...> wrote:
> S�lir g��ir nemendur!
> Blessings good students!
> After much thought and much dialogue, I have decided
> to propose the
> formation of a new standard language for all of us
> who have made a
> strong and lifelong personal commitment to the
> preservation of the
> Nordic tradition, and who wish to work for its
> advancement and
> protection for untold ages to come. While this idea
> may not seem
> practical or tenable on the surface, what lies
> beneath the surface
> is both realistic and much more important than meets
> the eye. Also,
> dialogue with wise and tolerant folk with a sincere
> interest in the
> history and spirituality of the Nordic realm has
> convinced me that
> the formation of such a language has become
> necessary, both from a
> cultural and an academic point of view. I cannot
> express with words
> the respect and admiration I feel for the many of
> you who have taken
> it upon yourselves to learn such a difficult
> language as the Norse
> we have here gathered together to study, the
> language of the great
> scholar Snorri Sturluson and his Icelandic
> contemporaries. It is a
> language which is close to our hearts and helps us
> to bridge the gap
> between us and our noble ancestors before us. We are
> fortunate to
> have such a fine teacher as Haukur to assist us in
> this important
> endeavor. In the course of my own studies many
> things have come to
> light which were previously unknown to me. Amongst
> other things, I
> have discovered that there is a growing number of
> sincere and wise
> folk, both in Scandinavia and abroad, who feel a
> strong affinity for
> the best which the culture and spirituality of the
> old North have to
> offer us today. Nevertheless, we live in a modern
> world which would
> be hardly recognizable to our ancestors. Also, the
> culture of our
> ancestors suffered certain devastating linguistic
> and spiritual
> misfortunes from which we have yet to fully recover.
> In my ongoing
> dialogue with others whose hearts are of a similar
> persuasion, it
> has furthermore become clear to me that the wounds
> which our culture
> has suffered have yet to fully heal. Many there are
> who understand
> barely a word of their ancestors language or who
> were raised in a
> spiritual tradition alien to their hearts. Not only
> the gods and the
> heros, but even the words themselves were alien.
> Many there are who
> have felt a painful lack of continuity and
> connection with the past.
> While we live in a modern world of great cultural
> multiplicity and
> have learned to accept diversity on a scale hitherto
> unimagined, we
> nevertheless demand that there be cultural and
> spiritual continuity
> between us and our ancestors before us. It is
> therefore necessary
> that we begin to ask important questions about our
> common aims and
> how to achieve them in this modern age. How can we
> help to achieve
> cultural and spiritual continuity for future
> generations and heal
> the wounds of the past? What can we learn from the
> successes and
> failures of the many other cultures with similar
> aims? In the weeks
> and years to come, I hope to open dialogue on these
> and many related
> questions. Although there are many steps which need
> to be taken, my
> own efforts thus far have fallen within the
> linguistic sphere. In
> the course of my own studies of the various branches
> and dialects of
> the Scandinavian linguistic tree, and in dialogue
> with some of their
> speakers whom desire both to preserve and to learn
> more about their
> own linguistic heritage, a new path has opened up
> before me. While I
> am likely not the first to either view or consider
> taking this path,
> its implications for cultural and spiritual
> continuity have helped
> encourage me to walk upon it. May it help to heal
> the wounds of the
> past. In posts to follow, I will try to show some of
> the benefits of
> this new standard language, both cultural and
> spiritual. I will also
> try to answer any questions about it which may come
> up and encourage
> dialogue about it. I welcome your thoughts and
> suggestions about it
> and hope that it may prove useful and a blessing to
> all.
> Regards,
> Konrad.

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