Hi Franz!
Nice to have a new face in the group!  I've not even worked my way through all the lessons yet, but I still enjoy having a go at the translations...
I'd be interested to hear about Old High German and Old English sometime - how different (or similar) were they?
Bye for now,
----- Original Message -----
From: Winterchantment@...
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Now, where was I...

Hi all

I joined the list list a while back and have worked through the first eleven lessons and now I'm ready to start with the saga lessons.

My name's Franz and I'm from Frankfurt, Germany.  I studies Old High German and Old English at university and now teach here in Frankfurt.  I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge into Old Norse.



Sumir hafa kvæði...
...aðrir spakmæli.

- Keth

Homepage: http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/

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