Heill Haukur!

Week 6's translation:

Nú litlu síðar kømr Sigurðr í búðina til bróður síns ok mælti: "Tak þú nú
silfrit, nú er samit kaupit."
Hann svarar: "Ek fekk þér silfrit skömmu."
"Nei", segir Sigurðr; "ek hefi ekki á því tekit."
Nú þræta þeir um þetta. Eptir þat segja þeir konungi til. Konungr skilr nú ok
aðrir menn at þeir eru stolnir fénu. Nú leggr konungr farbann svá at engi
skip skulu sigla burt svá búit. Þetta þótti mörgum manni vanhagr mikill, sem
var, at sitja um þat fram er markaðrinn stóð.
Þá áttu Norðmenn stefnu sín á milli um ráðagjörðir. Þrándr var á þeiri stefnu
ok mælti svá:
"Hér eru menn mjök ráðlausir."
Þeir spyrja hann:
"Kanntu hér ráð til?"
"Svá er víst", segir hann.
"Lát fram þá þína ráðagjörð.", sögðu þeir.
"Eigi mun þat kauplaust.", segir hann.
Þeir spyrja hvat er hann mælir til. Hann svarar:
"Hverr yðvarr skal fá mér eyri silfrs", segir hann.
Þeir kváðu þat mikit en þat varð kaup þeira at hverr maðr fekk honum hálfan
eyri þá í hönd en annan hálfan ef þetta yrði framgengt.

A little later now Sigurðr came into the booth to his brother and said: “You
come up with the silver now, now the deal is struck.”
He answered: “I gave you the silver recently.”
“No,” said Sigurðr, “I have not touched it.”
Now they quarrelled about this. After that they told the king. The king and
other men discerned now that they had been robbed of the money. Now the king
laid down an embargo so that no ship should sail away with things as they
are. Many men thought this a great disadvantage, which was, to tarry from
that time forward when the market stood.
Then the Northmen had a meeting amongst themselves about plans. Þrándr was at
their meeting and spoke thus:
“Here are very helpless men.”
They asked him:
“Do you know a course of action here?”
“Such is certain (That’s for sure),” he said.
“Then let (set) forth your plan,” they said.
“(I) will not (do) it gratuitously,” he said.
They asked what he wanted in payment. He answered:
“Each of you shall give me an ounce of silver,” he said.
They said it was much (a lot) but it became their bargain that each man
handed over to him half an ounce then and the other half if he should succeed
in this.


"fjornir " wrote:

> On we go :-)
> http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/reader/faerey6.html
> - - -
> I've just received some info on Haleyrr.
> Turns out that it is indeed in Skánn - but there
> wasn't a big market there until considerably later
> than the 10th century.
> Kveðja,
> Haukur
> Sumir hafa kvæði...
> ...aðrir spakmæli.
> - Keth
> Homepage: http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/
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Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia

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