Heill Haukur!

fjornir wrote:

> Heill Danr!
> > And in the morning, Sigurðr went away from the booth,
> > and Hárekr was after (him).
> Finally you made an error :-)
> The phrase 'vera eptir' means "stay behind".

Still have trouble with phrases like that - I should have known - it seemed
too straightforward... ;)

> > Hand over the purse to me quickly, that in which is the silver,
> > that which we two intend to buy the ring with, because now (it)
> > is fitting to buy (it),
> And another one!
> Nú er samit kaupit.
> "Now the deal is struck."

Fooled again by vowel mutation! The verb "sama" looked right, and even made
sense in the context. I'll have to be more careful with them in future...

Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia

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unidentified source." Ron Nesen