VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2, pt.3 - GENERAL

From: konrad_oddsson
Message: 2412
Date: 2002-12-01

ON hirðmaðr ICE hirðmaður - king´s man, courtier
ON konungr ICE konungur - king
nefna - to name
bróðir - brother
ganga - to walk; to go; to pass
ON kaupstaðr - market town
ICE kauðstaður - market town, trading-station, municipality, borough
kaupa - to buy, purchase
ON hringr ICE hringur - ring
gull - gold
fá - to get; to obtain; to receive; see also last entry
búð - booth; shop
sitja - to sit
fagna - to welcome; to rejoice; jubilate
spyrja - to ask
segja - to say; to remark; to tell
kveða - to say; to recite; to make a verse; to sing; to pronounce
val - choice, pick, selection, alternative; option, choosing
nafn - name
brjóta - to break
ON brjóta up (gersemar sínar) - to unpack
gersemi - jewel, treasure, precious thing
sýna - to show
ON digr ICE digur - big, thick, fat, stout, portly, gross, crass
dýr - dear; expensive; costly, precious
þykja - to be thought to be; to seem to be
sjá - to see
ON silfr ICE silfur - silver
mæla - to speak, talk, utter; to measure
beiða - to ask, request
fresta - to postpone, put off, defer, procrastinate, delay
ON frest - delay, respite
ON morginn ICE morgunn - morning
játa - to say yes to, assent, affirm, admit, concede, grant, allow
burt - aside, away, off
líða af - to pass away
nótt ON nátt - night
síðar - after, later, afterwards
utan - from without, from (the) outside
ON tjaldskör pl. -skarir - the edge of the tent
tjald - tent
selja - to sell
ON sjóðr ICE sjóður - treasure; fund; purse
skjótt - av. promptly, quickly, readily, speedily, fast, soon
ætla - to think, mean, suppose, intend, design, purpose, presume
kaup - purchase, buy; bargain
kaup (laun) - pay, wages
semja - to negotiate, bargain, settle; to compose, write, pen
bíða - to wait, stay
gæta - to take care of, watch, look after; to police; to notice
fá e-m e-t ICE e-ð - to give, hand, deliver (someone something)

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