I know several people have already posted translations that are more
or less correct, but just to show Erich and I are doing the work,
here´s what we came up with:

"A man was named Grim-Crest(?); he settled first of men in the
Faroes. But in the days of Harald Fairhair, many people fled before
his despotism; some put themselves in the Faroes and settled there,
but some conveyed themselves to other vacant lands.

"Auð the Deeply Wealthy moved to Iceland and came to the Faroes and
gave in marriage Olüf, the daughter of þorstein the Red, from whom
came most of the race of the Faroes, who they call Good-beards(?),
who settled in Austrey."

'settusk' seems to have a middle-voice ending; I don't think I saw
the use of the middle voice in the online lessons, but I translated
it, by analogy with the Attic middle voice, in a reflexive
sense: 'they put themselves' (actually, in Attic Greek, it could have
meant 'they put there for their own sake', or, more likely, some
complicated idiomatic meaning). Could we get a brief digression on
the use of the middle voice? (Or was it in later lessons? We only
finished the first six, the completed ones, and we're having trouble
getting to the site to look at the rest)
