Here is the vocabulary for the first installment of Færeyinga Saga.
Other related Icelandic words are included for the enjoyment of all.
ON maðr, ICE maður - man, person, human being
ON nefndr, ICE nefndur - named
nefna - to denominate, designate, name
nefna (kalla) - call
nefnd - commission, committee, board
nefndarmaður - committee-man, member of a committee
nefning - naming, nomination; mentioning
nefnifall - nominative case (in Grammar)
nefna sem dæmi - to name as an example
ON kambr ICE kambur - comb
ON kambr ICE kambur - crest (on an animal, mountain, wave, bone, etc)
byggja - to settle
byggja - to build, construct
byggja - to live in a place; inhabit, occupy
ON fær - sheep
Færeyjar - the Faroes
ON Færeyingr, ICE Færeyingur - a Faroe-islander
færeyska - Faroese
flýja - to flee; run (away)
ofríki - despotism
ofríkiskrafa - arrogation
fjöldi - number, multitude, crowd, pack, plurality
fjöldi manna - a great number of people, crowd of people
fjöldaflutningur - mass transport
fjöldamótmæli - mass protest
fjöl(da)framleiðsla - mass production
leita - to look for, search, seek, be in search of
leita til - to convey oneself to, betake oneself to, resort to
eyða - to obliterate, destroy, blot out, efface, erase, extinguish
eyða (land) - to lay waste, desolate, devastate
eyðibýli - vacant farm
eyðiey - desert island
eyðihús - deserted house
eyðidalur - wild, desolate valley
eyðifjöll - desolate mountains
gifta - marry, wed; give away in marriage
giftast - marry, be married, change one´s condition
gifting - marriage
giftingardagur - wedding-day
giftingarleyfi - marriage license
kynþáttur - race, lineage
kynþáttaaðgreining - race discrimination
kynþáttaaðskilnaðarstefna - aparteid, segregation
kynþáttaeinkenni - racial characteristics
kynþáttafordómur - racial prejudice
kynþáttahatur - racial hatred
kynþáttamisrétti - racial discrimination
kynþáttaóeirðir - racial riots
kalla - to call; shout; cry; name
ey - island
eyland - island
eyja - island
eyjarskeggi - islander
eyjabálkur - cluster of islands
eyjóttur - adj. full of islands
eyjamaður - islander
ON austr ICE austur - the east; towards east; (to the) east
austurlandamaður - Oriental
austurlandamál - Oriental languages
Austurlönd - the East, the Orient
Austurríki - Austria
Austurríkismaður - Austrian
austurrískur - austrian
fyrstur - adj. first, 1st; primary, primordial, prime; foremost
ON dagr ICE dagur - day
hár - hair
ON fagr ICE fagur - adj. beautiful, elagant, fair, graceful, fine
ON djúpr ICE djúpur - adj. deep, profound
ON auðr ICE auður - riches, great wealth, large fortune
ON auðugr ICE auðugur - adj. rich, wealthy, opulent, abundant (in)
ON rauðr ICE rauður - adj. red
dóttir - daughter
ON sonr ICE sonur - son