Heill Haukur,

I am quite interested in this new project.

For the first installment, my translation runs thus:

Maðr er nefndr Grímr kamban; hann byggði fyrstr manna Færeyjar. En á
dögum Haralds ins hárfagra flýðu fyrir hans ofríki fjöldi manna; settusk

sumir í Færeyjum ok byggðu þar, en sumir leituðu til annarra eyðilanda.

Auðr in djúpauðga fór til Íslands ok kom við Færeyjar ok gifti þar Ólöfu

dóttur Þorsteins rauðs, ok er þaðan kominn inn mesti kynþáttr Færeyinga,

er þeir kalla Götuskeggja, er byggðu í Austrey.

"A man is (was) named Grímr kamban [according to Cleasby, a Gaelic name
- possibly 'cambainn' "crooked horn"?]. He settled first of the men of
the Faroe Islands. And in the days of Harald the Fairhaired a great
number of men fled before his tyranny. Some set themselves (established,
settled) in
the Faroe Islands and settled there, and some proceeded to another
uninhabited land."

"Auðr the deeply wealthy fared to Iceland and struck upon (reached,
stopped at, visited?) the Faroe Islands and there gave in marriage
Ólöf, daughter of Þorsteinn the Red, and thence are come (from her have
come) the greatest lineage of the Faroe Islanders, those they call
"Gata-beards", who settled on Austrey."

The bits in brackets ( ) are attempts at better English, rather than the

mostly literal translation.

Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia

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unidentified source." Ron Nesen