--- In norse_course@..., "konrad_oddsson" <konrad_oddsson@...>
> Athyglisverðar vefsíður um gamalt tyrkneskt rúnastafróf:
> Interesting webpages about an old Turkish runic alphabet:
> http://www.antalya-ws.com/futhark/index.htm
> http://www.turcoman.btinternet.co.uk/futhark-alphabet.htm
> Any responses or thoughts about this Turkish connection?
The first I would like to mention is that they say that the runes
were used "between the 3rd and 17th centuries A.D". They were used in
Älvdalen, Sweden, until early 20th century.
The second thing is that the expression "People see what they want to
see" is useful here.