Sæll Arlie,
"Cookie" in icelandic would be "kaka" (both A's pronounced as in 'par' or the A in 'parker' kind alike with the spelling of  "karkar" with the R's left mute..
Also in the plural "cookies" = "kökur" (ö is pronounced as the 'u' in fur, the u in kökur is hardly pronounced at all but would resemble a 'schwa' (the vowel you make just letting your jaw and tounge relax (not hissing that is :P) but still its very short.)
kaka is essentially the same word as cake, i.e. rjómakaka means cream cake, jólakaka means christmas cake.. if you mean just cookies you would call it 'smákaka' where 'smá' is a diminuative.. (the 'á' would be pronounced as the 'o' in 'wow' (smow, differs from snow)
and then some forms:
nominative: (here is a cookie) hér er kaka
accusative: (about a cookie) um köku
dative: (from a cookie) frá köku
genetive: (to a cookie) til köku
(adding 'smá' to 'köku' would make the correct form 'smáköku', as in for instance "This is a story about a cookie (Þetta er saga um smáköku)
 hmm.. worthy of mentioning would be that 'kaka' is feminine
Hope this helps somewhat.. (about web browser cookies I have no idea..maybe it's just called kökur or kúkís (shit-icecream) naah hehe)
----- Original Message -----
From: Arlie Stephens
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 3:39 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Cookie?


A friend of mine asked me if I knew the Icelandic word for "cookie",
and since I don't know it, and my little dictionary doesn't have it,
I'm hoping someone here can tell me.

This is the sort of cookie you bake and eat, not the sort your web browser


(Arlie Stephens                                            arlie@...)

Sumir hafa kvæði...
...aðrir spakmæli.

- Keth

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