From: robert blank
Message: 2060
Date: 2002-08-20
> 1) Is the "h" in the "hr" pronounced distinctlyActually, the /hr/ is an aspirated /r/ sound. Breathe
> before the "r," or is
> the sound more like an "r" with aspiration, but
> without a preceding "h"
> sound?
> 2) Is the "o" hard as in "rope," or soft as inThe /o/ is like the /o/ in "rope"
> "rot""
> 3) Is the ON character "edth" pronounced like theThe /�/ is like the /th/ in "that." The /�/ is like
> "th" in "Thor," or
> more like the "th" in "then," with a vibration in
> the vocal cords?
> 4) Which r's, if any, are trilled?All of them.