Hello everyone. I am new to this list and willing to help in the
language department. Please bare in mind that I am neither a teacher
nor a linguist, but rather a musician. I can probably answer some,
but certainly not all questions relating to norse language and
culture. Feel free to ask. As I have no way of knowing how far along
each of you has come in learning norse, I will begin by posting
chapters from the excellent and short Icelandic Grammar written by
Björn Guðfinnsson. All entries from this book will appear in capital
letters followed by the name of the author. They will thus be easy
to identify and read in cronological order. I am uncertain as to
whether or not the Icelandic school children of today are required
to read this book or not, but it was definitely required of some
previous generations. Older people remember the book with mixed
feelings. It is my hope that some of you will enjoy reading this
book with me and learn something from it as well. Konrad.
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