Hei Steven
Perhaps you should take a look at this site:
I think it could be useful to continue your heiti-collection
with Jarðarheiti and Týsheiti...
To give this collection an etymolocial aspect, your own interpretations of the heitis
could be completed with translations not only into english but also other languages especially recent Norwegian/Danish/Swedish, Dutch and German.
norse_course@yahoogroups.com schrieb am 13.05.02:
> I'm working on a table of English definitions for the names given for Ó=
> ðinn in
> the Gylfaganning. It is not complete. The first column is the name as it
> appears in the text. The second is the translation taken from some
> 'standard' translation. The third column is my speculation, or definitions
> from Zoëga's dictionary. It anybody wants to help me complete this, I will
> be grateful for the help.
> http://members.bellatlantic.net/~hattons/asatru/odin-names.html
> Sumir hafa kvæði...
> ...aðrir spakmæli.
> - Keth
> Homepage: http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/
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> norse_course-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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