Thank you kindly for getting back to me.
I will be pleased to use the online reference you have supplied.
However, I am still very much interested in any Oxford publications of Old
Norse and Old Icelandic Dictionaries, as I understand that these were
standard works of reference for many years
If there is anyone out there with copies for sale, I hope that they will
contact me.
Thank you.
Esmond Selwyn
----- Original Message -----
From: "betshalom" <betshalom@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 9:58 PM
Subject: [norse_course] ON Dictionary
>...Can anyone help me, since english-Norse dictionaries seem
> to be a bit scarce?
Well, there's an ON to English Dicionary available, but your right,
the other way around is hard to find. Nonetheless, has the Zoëga dictionary available free online.
In fact, I know that they still need help from anyone who can type in
íslenzku. Although íslenzka er ekki móðurmál mitt, I still edit for
them. See their site for details on how to complete the online Zoëga
Pardon the Mið nótt sol plug; it is ON related. Speaking of which,
are mið nótt and miðnætti used in the same way? Or is one "in the
middle of the night" and the other "midnight"?
Sumir hafa kvæði...
...aðrir spakmæli.
- Keth
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