Hi all,

I've been enjoying the course, but slowly.

Personal Testimony:
"Thanks to the Norse Course, my friend and I
can enjoy a relatively lengthy
discussion of black cheese and long swords."

I have a question, and if this is answered elsewhere
please direct me to it: what is the relationship
between modern Icelandic and Old Norse?

> Must say though, that it's not entirely true that
> it's taboo to make up words in Icelandic. Quite
> untrue, actually.

I have been impressed with what I've read about
the Icelanders desire to maintain the integrity
of their language. Am I correct in recalling
that the word for _electricity_ is derived from
the Icelandic for _lightning_ and _stone_?

I love that the English language has incorporated
so many influences into it, yet I respect a people's
desire to coin their own terms.

> Nationalism and cultural romanticism are modern
> concepts, remember :)

That is all too true!

For the mind set of the original Old Norse speakers,
what would y'all recommend reading?


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