The work is The first gramamtical treatsie.
basically the unknown author is postualting a standardised writing system
for Old Icelandic. To prove his point he discusses Old Icelandic phonology
to determine what differences there are that should be distinguished. He
even goes so far as to suggest distinguishing nasalised vowels!
He uses minimal pair e.g. pig, big to distinguish sounds - a very modern
approach, for a medieval text.
Its an excellent little work, and is available in translation (First
gramamtical treatsie, Ed. Einar Haugen, 1972), but like many such books, is
probably out of print now.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hrimalf [mailto:
Sent: 26 February 2002 18:55
Subject: [norse_course] Re: hard a in norse
Lazurus said (cant get the hang of quoting
online-sorry!) "would be useful to hear an icelnadic
radio station..." or words to that effect.
I actually meant I was interested in resurrecting as
accurately as possible "Viking speech" (Sounds a bit
melodramatic but you know what I mean) rather than
using the mutated but similar pronunciation of modern
icelandic. I think Barnes took his suggestions from a
medival text on grammer or something? I willn find out
the name when I find that book again but does anyone
know anything about this?
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