Hello in Lithuania. I'm just a long boat's journey away in Elk, Poland. Teaching English and learning ON.
Użytkownik fjornir <
falconsword@...> napisał:
>>I am a new subscriber to this group and would like to introduce
>>myself. I am an American of Norwegian-American ancestry. After 38
>>years in parish ministry in Canada and the U.S., I have since 1999
>>have been serving on the faculty of Evangelical Theology
>>at the University of Klaipeda, Klaipeda, Lithuania, on the Baltic
>>coast. I teach Hebrew and Historical and Systematic Theology. My
>>theological training included work in Latin, Greek, German, and
>>Syriac, and some reading in Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian - in
>>addition to a bit of secondary school French.
>Welcome to the group. Your background is a
>rather unique one - and quite interesting.
>From the perspective of historical theology
>the study of Old Norse certainly has a lot to
>offer. It is very interesting to see how the
>old heathen oral literature tradition takes
>on Christian subjects while maintaining the
>old heathen forms in many aspects.
>This strophe from Lilja (The Lily) is well known.
>The author compares the role of a Christian
>poet with that of his heathen predecessors.
>Fyrri menn er froeÄin kunnu
>forn ok klók af heiÄnum bókum
>slungin mjĂşkt af sĂnum kóngum
>sungu lof meÄ danskri tungu.
>Ă ĹŁvĂlĂku móÄurmĂĄli
>meir skyldumk ek en nokkurr ĹŁeirra
>hroerÄan dikt meÄ ĂĄstarorÄum
>allsvaldanda kóngi at gjalda.
>Former men who had their wisdom
>ancient and clever from heathen books
>sung softly praise for their kings
>with the Danish tongue.
>In such a mother tongue
>it is more my duty than it was any of theirs
>to pay a passionate poem with words of love
>to an all-powerfull king.
>Sumir hafa kvćÄi...
>...aÄrir spakmćli.
>- Keth
>Homepage: http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/
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