I agree
Ég er sammála, hættið þessu "ég er bestur af því að ég er íslenskur" og reynið að skilja að það er fullt af erlendum vísindamönnum sem bæði skilja og lesa forníslensku, t.d. John Lindow.
----- Original Message -----
From: Olaf The Balding
To: 'norse_course@yahoogroups.com'
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: [norse_course] RE: Scholarship / Skelfr askr / whatever this is all about / petty arguments.

Yawn, could someone please wake me up when we get back to something resembling a group of people who want to try and learn Norse? If I wanted to read the endless ramblings and squabblings of the short sighted I would have joined one of the numerous alt.fluffybunnynewage.news.groups.
Ok, so some of you out there seem to class themselves as scholars, now how about helping those of us who don't?
Thank you

Sumir hafa kvæði...
...aðrir spakmæli.

- Keth

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