From: falconsword@...
Message: 1527
Date: 2001-08-30
>1) What do you think about using of english translation (as help)There are some good English translations around,
>for translation of old icelandic sagas? To russian, I mean.
>2) About OCR of Zoëga dictionary. I think, it's better to beginPersonally I prefer <div> to <p> every time;
>every line from new <P> tag. Isn't it? We can to remove interline
>space for <P> with CSS, etc.
>3) bakborð in "Frá Fornjóti" - I've transtated it as "back board" =I'm completely out of my league when it
>stern. But it seems, bakborð is LEFT (or RIGHT, I don't remember
>exactly) side of a ship!
>4) Word database (if I understood this rightly). Which databaseI don't know. Something like that I suppose.
>engine do you plan to use? I think, structure of database could be:
>WORD C 32 (32 characters, or longer)
>PART C 1 ('N' for noun, 'A' for adjective, 'V' for verb, etc.)
>TYPE C 4 - this field depends on PART field. It can
>be 'MA'=masculine a-stem, 'FI'=feminine i-stem, etc. for
>nouns; 'S1'=strong declension, 1st type for verb, etc, etc, etc.
>EXT C 1 - extended info (is last 'r' the part of root, etc.)
>May be, all this are stupid things? tell me please...
>5) I wanted to ask something, but I forgot... :)Hvárt vegr Óláfr orminn?