From: Hild
Message: 1512
Date: 2001-08-15
> Brunnhild wrote:Exactly :)
> >Looks fine to me, Haukur(Netscape Communicator 4) but i didn't understand
> >why so many "?"
> I think the relevant detail here is that according to your headers, you're
> using Netscape 4 for the Mac
> - the problem you're having isn't withYou're right, i guess. 'Cause i can read german characters, and the ones i
> Netscape, but with MacOS - they forgot to put Icelandic-specific characters
> in their font sets, so the eth, thorn and accent-y are missing.
> A fewMy problem with this is that my dad has japanese system installed in this
> months back I made a post on the two methods to fix this - maybe there
> should be something about this on the official page?
> 1. This is the most complete, but also the most work - go to
> and download the
> Íslenskustu?ningur package for the appropriate version of MacOS. This will
> update your OS to Icelandic-compatible settings, including correcting all
> the built-in fonts. However, you will then need to go through all your
> control panels and change your time zone, language, keyboard layout, etc,
> etc, etc, back to US (or wherever) settings.
>I'll check this one!!! Thanks a lot!
> 2. Just download some Mac fonts which have those characters and use those
> fonts to read your email and those web pages which use Icelandic
> characters. A good URL for such fonts is