Hi Tom!
Well, it must have worked then.
(I only quoted the way to get onto the list from memory)
>Keth Posted it in his reply to my note on the Morph Parser.
>>PS There also exists a separate mailing list created to handle
>>that kind of work for the zoega dictionary. To subscribe
>>send a mail to zoega-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
This was the email address you used to get onto the list, right?
Well, then that must be the way it works, for you are on it now!
The list was created last february, because there was what seemed
like a huge proof-reading project about to be set up, when we
discussed the transformation of the Zoega GIF images to html code.
I think I did a sample page, just to have some proposal "on the table"
so to speak. My idea was that the html ouput had to be as exactly
as possible the same as the printed pages in Zoega's original dictionary.
The sample page can be seen in the group's file area.
But the Midnott sol" people who made the GIF images
had a different concept, i.e. to do the whole process
in automated fashion by means of OCR processes.
Mine was more humble just to grind out the pages.
But it was of course way beyond me to manually write
the whole book's html code. That would only have
been possible with at least 25 dedicated enthusiasts.
(I thought)
Any way, since I know how easy it is to miss things
when proofreading, I thought that the no.1 requirement
was to first produce these "exact" html page copies.
("exact" means exact to every colon and comma, and especially
with regard to the line endings)
But of course, now that the list is there, with a convenient
name, it can of course be used for any project related to
the Zoega dictionary.
So if there are others interested insuch a project,
feel free to join.
(proofreading may not be a total waste of time, since
one gets used to working with Icelandic texts that way,
and develops an "eye" for what is correct spelling.
The group's file area can be used for storing material
or temporary results. i.e. one category for finished files
and another one for files that have only had a rough
proodreading. etc..)
Also, any suggestions are wellcome, either here or over the
zoega@yahoogroups.com list.
Best regards
P.S. I am only making the list available, since it
was specifically created for work on the Zoega dictionary.
Joining the list does not mean that you commit
yourself to working on any project. Such things can
be discussed on the list, and projects defined more precisely there.
But I imagine there will be a need for a number of dedicated
proofreaders. Maybe it won't be so much of a load actually.
It is just that there are some people available who are
willing to proofread a page or two once in a while.
the goal must be to create an error free electronic copy.
>--- In norse_course@..., Arlie Stephens <arlie@...> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 09:06:55PM -0000, Tom Wulf wrote:
>> >
>> > I've already forwarded all my files to Midnott Sol and thanks to
>> > now know of the existence of the zoega project email list, so
>> > follow up on that.
>> I must have missed the existence of that list. How do I get onto it?
>> --
>> Arlie