Hi Steven,
Some comments on your page....
What are the distinctions here? For nouns, you are listing different
declension patterns, as if you intend each noun to be declined according
to one of these patterns. But with adjectives, you list strong and weak
declensions ... which in the case of adjectives are two different ways
to decline the same adjective, having different meanings.
Within nouns, you make no distinction of gender. But the pattern for
the same type of stem is different in different genders. (I'd quote
examples, but I don't have the Gordon book beside me as I type this.)
Are you assuming that all numbers follow the same declension pattern?
There's something wrong with your html... you have letters like o with tilde,
which don't exist in Old Norse, and I'm unclear what letter you actually
intended (would it be o with acute accent)?
On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 07:08:07PM -0400, Steven T. Hatton wrote:
> Selv,
> When I started working on that project I found it to be far more challenging
> than I had expected. It sounds to me you have a better grasp of the subject
> than I have. When I stepped back from the database project, I decided to try
> and map out what I wanted using a filesystem directory structure, and then
> using html files to hold the actual node information. I left that set for a
> while as well. I came back to it today. The first thing I decided to do was
> to create an outline of the categories in which the base words should go. I
> put the first draft up on the web so people can look at it. I plan on
> creating some frames and link to other files containing the morphological
> variations of the words for each category. It seems different parts of
> speech will require different treatments. For example, nouns will simply be
> listed in tables corresponding to their strength and stem; verbs will
> probably be treated as individual files in a manner similar to my _501 German
> Verbs_ book; adjectives don't seem to have an existence of their own, so I'm
> not sure how to treat them.
> Anyhow, here's the page:
> http://members.bellatlantic.net/~hattons/norse/grammar/outline.html
> It's based on Gordon's Book. I hope to have some more stuff fleshed out
> soon. People are free to copy any of the content on the page, and do what
> they like with it. I welcome feedback which may help improve the content.
> Jut bear in mind that this is very much a part time project which I man not
> be able to give consistent attention.
> Steven
(Arlie Stephens arlie@...)