Heill Arlie
> Well, one thing I think we could do is work on
> things in parallel. That is,
> have everyone interested working on the same
> translation at the same time,
> and discussing their results and progress. The
> advantage here is that you
> get feedback on your efforts, without needing to
> have someone more experienced
> available to act as teacher, and overloaded with the
> task of correcting
> the exercises of many students. And you get to see
> others' answers, and
> think about whether you like their approach better.
> (Since there are generally
> several options in translating anything.)
I think that nthis a very good idea, and I'm with you
all the way.
> The problem, of course, is finding an accessible
> text to work on. It should
> be something reasonably accessible to people with
> fairly little ON background;
> ideally, simply having finished the already
> completed lessons. It shouldn't
> be too well known, lest we know what to expect
> already, and "translate" based
> on that expectation. And there should be
> translations available, so when
> we do get stumped (or simply think we've translated
> a passage successfully),
> we can find out how someone with more experience
> would have translated it.
Might I suggest that translating even a well known
text would be of use. I recomend Snorri's Prose Edda
or maybe Egils saga. Both well known by I doubt
anyone has them memorized. They are also available
> Would other people find it useful to work on
> translating this in parallel,
> all working at a similar pace and posting results?
> Would it also help to have
> each week's portion of ON posted to the list at the
> beginning of the week?
I think that it would be best to do a section a week
and everyone work at the same pace so as to avoid
Well, thats my two cents worth.
> (Arlie Stephens
> arlie@...)
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