Rígsþula 1 - 15

From: Anþanareiks
Message: 1407
Date: 2001-08-03



Sva segia menn i fornum sogum,

So men said in ancient stories,

at einnhverr af ásum,

that one of the Aesir,

sa er Heimdallr het,

who was called Heimdall,

fór ferðar sinnar ok framm með siofarstrondu nockurri,

was going on his way and as he went along a seashore,

kom at einum húsaboe ok nefndiz Rigr.

he came to a homestead, and he gave his name as Rig.

Eptir þeirri sogu er kvæði þetta:

This poem is about that story.


Ár kváðu ganga

Long ago, they said, walked

grænar brautir

on green ways

öflgan ok aldinn

a powerful and aged

ás kunnigan,

knowledgable god,

ramman ok röskvan

mighty and ripe-grown

Rig stíganda.

Ríg, striding

rammr, a. strong, of bodily strenngth, mighty and powerful

röskr, acc. röskvan, a. vigorous, brave

röskvast, v. refl. to ripen, of fruit, to grow up.


Gekk hann meirr at þat

On he walked more then

miðrar brautar,

in the middle of the way.

kom hann at húsi,

He came to a house,

hurð var á gætti;

the door was ajar,

inn nam at ganga,

in he stepped.

elldr var á gólfi,

There was a fire on the floor,

hión sátu þar

man and wife sat there,

hár at arni,

grey-haired by the hearth,

Ái ok Edda

Great-grandfather and Great-grandmother


in her old fashioned head-dress.

Rigr kunni þeim

Rig was able

ráð at segia,

to offer advice to them

Meirr settiz hann

Moreover, he seated himself

miðra fletia,

in the middle of the bench,

enn á hlið hvára

and at either side of him

hión salkynna.

the couple of the household.


Þá tók Edda

Then Great-grandmother took

Økvinn hleif,

a coarse loaf,

þungan ok þykkan,

heavy and thick,

þrunginn sáðum;

stuffed with grains.

Bar hón meirr at þat

More, she brought it then

miðra skutla,

in the middle of the plate.

Soð var i bolla,

Boiled meat was in the bowl,

setti á bióð,

she set that on the table.

Reis hann upp þaðan,

He got up from there,

réðz at sofna.

got ready to sleep.


Rigr kunni þeim

Rig was able

ráð at segia,

to give them advice.

Meirr lagðiz hann

More, he laid

miðrar rekkiu,

in the middle of the bed,

en á hlið hvára

and at either side of him

hión salkynna.

the man and wife of the household.


Þar var hann at þat

There he was then

þriar nætr saman,

three nights together.

gekk hann meirr at þat

On he walked more then

miðrar brautar,

in the middle of the way.

liðu meirr at þat

Time moved on more then

manuðr niu.

nine months.


Ióð ól Edda,

Greatgrandmother bore a child,

iósu vatni,

sprinkled water over it..

hörfi (vafði

In rough linen she wrapped

hörund) svartan,

the black skinned boy.

(Höfung vóru augu)

Heavy were his eyes

hetu Þræl.

they called him Thrall.


Hann nam at vaxa

He began to grow

ok vel dafna,

and thrive well.

var þar a hondum

There was on his hands

hrokkit skinn,

wrinkled skin,

kropnir knuar,

gnarled knuckles,


scabbed nails,

fingr digrir,

thick fingers,

fúúlligt andlit,

ugly face,

lotr hryggr,

crooked back,

langir hælar.

long heels.


Nam hann meirr at þat

He began more then

magns um kosta,

to test his might

bast at binda,

plaiting bast,

byrðar giorva,

packing burdens.

bar hann heim at þat

He carried home then

hris gerstan dag.

kindling through the cruel day.


Þar kom at garði

There came to the homestead


a bandy-legged girl.

orr var a ilium,

Mud was on the soles of her feet,

armr solbrunninn,

her arm sunburnt,

niðrbiugt er nef,

her nose was bent,

nefndiz Þir.

her name was Slavegirl..


Miðra fletia

In the middle of the bench

meirr settiz hon,

more she seated herself

sat hia henni

he sat beside her,

sonr huúss;

the son of the house.

reddu ok ryndu,

They talked and told secrets,

rekkiu giorðu

set up their bed,

Þræll ok Þir

Thrall and Slavegirl,

þrungin dægr.

through hardworking days.


Born ólu þau,

Children they bred,

biuggu ok unðu,

lived and were happy.

hygg ek at heti

I think they were called

Hreimr ok Fiosnir,

Weatherbeaten and Stableboy,

Klurr ok Kleggi,

Stout and Sticky,

Kefsir, Fulnir,

Rough, Stinker,

Drumbr, Digralldi,

Stumpy, Fatty,

Drottr ok Hosvir,

Sluggish and Grizzled,

Lútr ok Leggialldi;

Lout and Longleg,

logðu garða,

They established farms,

akra toddu,

put dung on the fields,

unnu at svinum,

worked with swine,

geita giættu,

watched over the goats,

grofu torf.

dug the turf.


Dættr voru þær

The daughters were

Drumba ok Kumba,

Stumpy and Dumpy,



ok Arinnefia,

and Eaglenose,

Ysia ok Ambatt,

Noisy and Bondwoman,





ok Tronubeina;

and Cranelegs.

þaðan eru komnar

From them are descended

þræla ættir.

the race of Thralls.


Gekk Rigr at þat

Rig walked then

rettar braúter,

by right ways.

kom hann at hollu,

He came to a hall,

hurð var a skiði;

the door was on the latch,

inn nam at ganga,

in he stepped,

elldr var a golfi,

a fire was on the floor,

hion satu þar,

a couple sat there,

helldu a syslu.

kept on working.


Maðr teglði þar

The man was carving there

meið til rifiar,

wood for a weaving beam.

var skegg skapat,

His beard was trimmed,

skor var firir enni,

over his brow the hair was clipped.

skyrtu þrongva,

his tunic, close fitting.

skokkr var a golfi.

A chest was on the floor.

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