
You said that you put it on Audio....that is great. Does that mean that we
will have access to the audio files in some way? Speaking for myself, I can
look at the words of the old Norse, but I have no idea how to pronounce
them. Being new, it is hard to learn by just reading. Converting the audio
to mp3 would be nice...but if you choose not to do that, then I can do it
myself. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.

John M. Johnson
Email: jjohn621@...
"Buaidh No Bas"

-----Original Message-----
From: Anþanareiks [mailto:anthanaric@...]
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 10:54 PM
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [norse_course] Rigsthula v. 6 - 10 first version

Rigsthula v. 11 - 15
intial version

Miðra fletia
In the middle of the bench

meirr settiz hon,
more she seated herself

sat hia henni
he sat beside her,

sonr huúss;
the son of the house.

reddu ok ryndu,
They talked and told secrets,

rekkiu giorðu
set up their bed,

Þræll ok Þir
Thrall and Slavegirl,

þrungin dægr.
through hardworking days.

Born ólu þau,
Children they bred,

biuggu ok unðu,
lived and were happy.

hygg ek at heti
I think they were called

Hreimr ok Fiosnir,
Weatherbeaten and Stableboy,

Klurr ok Kleggi,
Stout and Sticky,

Kefsir, Fulnir,
Rough, Stinker,

Drumbr, Digralldi,
Stumpy, Fatty,

Drottr ok Hosvir,
Sluggish and Grizzled,

Lútr ok Leggialldi;
Lout and Longleg,

logðu garða,
They established farms,

akra toddu,
put dung on the fields,

unnu at svinum,
worked with swine,

geita giættu,
watched over the goats,

grofu torf.
dug the turf.

Dættr voru þær
The daughters were

Drumba ok Kumba,
Stumpy and Dumpy,


ok Arinnefia,
and Eaglenose,

Ysia ok Ambatt,
Noisy and Bondwoman,



ok Tronubeina;
and Cranelegs.

þaðan eru komnar
From them are descended

þræla ættir.
the race of Thralls.

Gekk Rigr at þat
Rig walked then

rettar braúter,
by right ways.

kom hann at hollu,
He came to a hall,

hurð var a skiði;
the door was on the latch,

inn nam at ganga,
in he stepped,

elldr var a golfi,
a fire was on the floor,

hion satu þar,
a couple sat there,

helldu a syslu.
kept on working.

Maðr teglði þar
The man was carving there

meið til rifiar,
wood for a weaving beam.

var skegg skapat,
His beard was trimmed,

skor var firir enni,
over his brow the hair was clipped.

skyrtu þrongva,
his tunic, close fitting.

skokkr var a golfi.
A chest was on the floor.


By the way,
I put Skirnismal,etc... on audio.
Priliminary methogology.
Read as follows:
A single ON verse will be read
Then an English translation of that verse
Then a ON reading of the verses.
This is going to be RAW at first. But you have to start sometime.



Sumir hafa kvæði...
...aðrir spakmæli.

- Keth

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