Birgit, Selv, list,
A full-sized illustration can be found in a
book I "advertized" in this list a few weeks
ago (see post #1283):
Jónas Kristjánsson
The Icelandic Literary Society, 1993
ISBN 9979-804-82-3 (paperback) - ISK 3490
--- In norse_course@..., Selvarv Stigard <selvarv@...> wrote:
> Birgit Knorr wrote:
> >I am making a wall hanging in needlepoint of the Yggdrasil
Illustration from
> >the Icelandic manuscript AM 738, 4to., bl. 44r, from 1680.
> fantastic! I've been playing with the illustration of Jörmungandr
on the
> same folio for a tattoo I want.
> >I had bought a
> >post card of this illustration at the Arne Magnusson Institute
> year. It
> >is in color, and the tree looks like a kind of palm tree. I have
not found
> >this picture on the internet so far.
> I have a book at home with a good 5" pic of it, which is on my
> (ever-increasing) list of imags to scan - I should be able to get
to it
> this weekend and put it in my images directory, if you were looking
for a
> high-resolution copy to examine, or just put a grid over to turn
into a
> pattern - how big were you looking for? ;->
> -Selv
> --
> Selvårv Stigård
> selvarv@...
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