A very interesting project, Birgit!
> Starting at the top of the tree:
> askur yckdrasils (why an "s" at the end?)
nom. Yggdrasill
acc. Yggdrasil
dat. Yggdrasli
gen. Yggdrasils
Thus "askur Yggdrasils" = ash of Yggdrasill.
> In front of the hawk:
> Vedr
> folnir
That is his name, isn't it? Veðrfölnir.
> Behind the eagle:
> Hakur mylla
> augria
> Ørn syturi
> syn afli (I am really guessing here, the scribbles are hard to read)
Haukur milli augna?
Hawk between eyes?
Örn situr í sínu afli?
Eagle sits in his power?
See if you can make it out any clearer.
> Names of the harts:
> Duneyr
> Dvalin (the n has a line over it)
> Durathror
> Däin
That line is a "nasal bond".
> By the squirrel:
> Rata
> tøskur
> þer øf (the first letter could be an "f", the last letter could be a "p")
> undar (is this one word?)
> ord my
> Hu agr
> og nyt
> hoggs
It's a b, actually :)
Ratatoskur ber öfundarorð milli "insert name here" og Niðhöggs.
Ratatoskur carries word of envy between ...
> At bottom:
> Nydhogg
> nagar
Niðhöggur (g)nagar.
Niðhöggr gnaws