65. Komk of síðir,
þars snarir þóttusk
Sigurðr ok Sæólfr
í sveit konungs;
réð oss skatna lið
skots at beiða
ok skjaldfimi
við skata mengi.

Hints :
1. síð f. = a feminine noun that is related to the adverb síð.
The adverb means "late".
"um síð", "um síðir" or "of síðir" means "finally" or "after quite
a while". In Danish/Norwegian we say "omsider", and it means the
same thing. Q : "What is the meaning of the noun?"

2. Komk = kom ek.

3. snarr adj. = quick, fast, clever

4. sveit f. = company, troop.

5. skati m. = chief, man.

6. ráða, ræð, réð, réðum, ráðinn = verb

7. beiða vb. = to request, spur, urge, prompt, drive, ...

8. fimi = a feminine noun? = skill

9. þykkja, þykki, þótta, þóttr = verb, to think

10. þars = þar es = þar er = "there where", "the place where".

Note: Although the general meaning of the verse is not too difficult
to arrive at, many of the details are somewhat involved. Most of the
hints are taken directly from the dictionary, and ought to be correct;
although a few errors, due to various guesses on my part, are to be expected.
I should really like to see someone try her (or his) hand at this one,
since there are one or two points that I should like to discuss.

Best regards