Hail Anthanareiks!
(I'm going through your mails backwards!)
--- In norse_course@..., "Anþanareiks" <anthanaric@...> wrote:
> Vel á talaðr æfingar
> More on talking exercises.
> Heill ves þú öll!
> Anybody is welcome to jump on in, just *try* to construct an ON
> sentence as best you can and then hopefully a native speaker or
> somebody can point out some improvements. Hopefully a few flow of
> ideas will result as in a conversation. The SOV (subject, object,
> verb), or VOS, ect... I am going to have problems with as well as
> grammar, but hopefully somebody can point out my mistakes.
> I would like it if somebody posted an ON sentence untranslated, then
> somebody can translate it and respond with an untranslated ON
> sentence, etc....
It sounds like a good plan !
(unfortunately I am not a native speaker)
I looked through some saga texts. But I felt many of the
sentences were too easy. Here is one that is a little bit
more difficult than average. But NOTE : I think it is best
if you do not use a dictionary. (that's cheating)
Okay, here is the sentence :
Her verða skiot vm skipti, þilik
sem grimm hrið kiemi moti bliðv solskini,
eðr þvert veðr kiemi at skipi siglanda aaðr
goðan byr; ok betr maa hon nv kallaz
Severa enn Serena; þviat skirleikinn
kastaði hon, þviat hon tekr ser þann
vargham, at her aa ofan skemmir hon hann
með sva fo,llnum orðum: "Se her," segir
hon, "leiðr skaalkr ok full farri! hvilikr
þv vart, ok huersv þu drott þinn flatan
fot v syniv vt af þinv moðvr hvsi, meðan
þv kvnner æigi sva mickla hoftyft, at þv
me,ttir þer skamm laust mat [at munni
bera hia o,ðrv goðv folki. Ok nu i samri
stvnd verð vti, vaandr þorari! af þvisa
herbergi með o,llvm þeim fo,ntvm ok ribb-
alldvm, er þv drott her inn, sva framt
sem þv villt v skemðr vera!"
Please read it carefully 2 or 3 times,
and make up a list of the words you
are unsure about. Maybe you can also
state what you *think* this is all
(that way we can find out what the right level is)