Hello Anthanareiks !
I admire your enthusiasm. That is exactly what it takes to
learn a new language! Below you sent a very short sentence
to the list. I think that is exactly what the list needs.
(so that it doesn't fall asleep!)
You wrote :
>ek segi:
>Ek vinn frá morgni til kvölds.
Looking at the sentence it looks correct to me.
But I must confess that I am not sufficiently
drilled in verb-endings to say for sure. But somehow
it looks okay. It gives me the right feeling.
For example the dativ with frá and the genitive
with til. Also the use of "to win" for the concept
of "working for ones bread". It all looks okay to me.
To give you some feedback, here is how this sentence
would run in Norwegian (nynorsk or "new norse"):
"Eg arbeider frå morgen til kveld".
>ek segi þat guði (Æsi)
>I declare to God (to the Æsir)
Here also the dative form for those
you say something to, must be correct.
What I am less certain about is the translation
by "declare". To me "segja" is more like saying
something, or telling something.
So I would translate it as "I say it to a god."
{I tell it to an Áss (NB singular)}
>seg þú
That looks like an imperative. Correct?
(I'd have to look it up to verify it.
I don't know the language well enough by far,
to manage without a grammar book!)
Keep up the good work!