From: Arlie Stephens
Message: 1209
Date: 2001-05-30
On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 10:52:43PM +0200, keth@... wrote:
> *But* when the Zoëga dictionary of Old Icelandic finally gets launced
> onto the net in html-form, then the "reverse lookup" process will
> become much facilitated, because you can then always use the computers
> "Search and find" feature, and look for the English word you are interested
> in.
> And of course you can already do it that way, if you download from a
> suitable net-site copies of, say, Njål's saga. You will then need
> two copies of Njåls saga, one English one and one Old Norse one.
> If both have the same chapter numbers you can usually find the word
> you seek without too much trouble.
That works, but not well. You get problems like me trying to use skyldr
where réttr would be a lot more appropriate. Both can translate to the same
word in English ("right") but not the same meaning. And if I remember right,
the difference was subtle ... it didn't look like two different meanings
of "right" _to an English speaker_. But yet skyldr made no sense at all
in the context where I tried to use it.
A dictionary written specifically to go from English to ON would list the
range of words that could translate "right", with some indication of the
sense and context for each one.
(Arlie Stephens arlie@...)