From: g-tegle@...
Message: 1203
Date: 2001-05-18
> We have stated that the language taught in this course isto
> "standardised" 13th century Icelandic. People using other material
> supplement this course (or using this course to supplement otherof
> material) often find that their books do not always use the same
> forms or spelling of the words. It is perhaps high time that some
> those variants be discussed.teaching
> First it should be stated that it is quite hard to "pin down" a
> language as it was at an exact given form. We say that we're
> 13th century language but that is not terribly precised - Icelandicof
> underwent many changes in the 13th century. Some of our forms may
> even reflect early 13th century language while others mirror that
> the late part of the century. Perfect consistency is very hard tochoices
> achieve but we prefer to have some kind of standard. Thus our
> are quite arbitrary here and there and will not exactly reflectthat
> of any other teaching material.Some interesting reflections indeed.