Hail Hawk !

Gee, you are back ! ! ! :-)
And I who really ought to be outside playing the tuba today;
I'm taking a break in the festivities to answer the tips you
gave us. I also congratulate you upon finishing your exams !
As usual with excellent results, I assume.
You have important business like university exams, and everyone
is happy to know that that is your first priority.

>All right. I'll list the Icelandic words
>for those and the others you mentioned.
>Norwegian - Icelandic
>radio - útvarp
>computer - tölva
>kommunikasjon - samskipti
>telegraf - símskeyti
>sentrum - miðbær
>meteorolog - veðurfræðingur
>historie - (mannkyns)saga
>matematikk - stærðfræði
>bibliotek - bókasafn
>diskusjon - samtal
>debatt - umræða
>argument - rök
>gramatikk - málfræði
>morfologi - I don't know. Ask Óskar.
>resultat - niðurstaða
>konklusjon - ályktun

My comment is that such as the above is extremely difficult to memorize.
Even for someone like me who understands other Nordic languages.

Off my sleeve, and at the risk of making a mistake, I'll add that
"fræði" can be more easily memorized if you think about the old
Danish king "Frode", whose name means "the wise one".
From the adjective "fróðr" then derives nouns like "fróðleikr"
(=wisdom, knowledge) and "froeði" (=knowledge). In other words,
the way to go seems to be through understanding, and not through
the rote.

You say "samtal" = discussion.
In Norway we also have "samtale", but it means dialogue, and
not discussion. To me those two are not exactly the same concept,
since dialogue is more in the direction of a conversation, whereas
discussion is more in the direction of a debate.

Nuances like that are important, and it is by no means given
that the same word in languages as close as Icelandic and Norwegian
always catches the same nuances. Btw, I also find Icelandic
words like umræða and rökræða that have related meanings. But to become
familiar with the nuances, requires seeing the words in context.
(and if you have time to provide examples, it would be very much

radio = útvarp. I read that as something "thrown out" (the radio
waves from the antenna into space; cf. "broadcast"). Is that what
you too read into it?

I already knew that sími = telephone. But símskeyti for telegram was
new to me. I see that ON skeyti (n.) means "an arrow". Is that the right
context ? And ON sími (n.) means a rope. That would give the literal
meaning telegram = rope-arrow.

Apropos of "rök", I see that Icelandic rökfræði = "logic" (as a science).
That reminds me of the "ro,kstólar" (w. hooked 'o') that you find in
Voluspaa. Is it the same thing ? ("chairs of logic")
