Keth wrote:
>Here is another example: English "radio", Norwegian "radio" -
>simple. English "computer", Norwegian "computer" - also simple.
>Yes, it is true that there exists another word for radio broadcasts
>which is "kringkasting" - for example NRK = Norsk rikskringkasting.
>In the same way, the Germans use "rundfunk" (or "funk").
>But what are the Icelandic words for radio and computer ?
All right. I'll list the Icelandic words
for those and the others you mentioned.
Norwegian - Icelandic
radio - útvarp
computer - tölva
kommunikasjon - samskipti
telegraf - símskeyti
sentrum - miðbær
meteorolog - veðurfræðingur
historie - (mannkyns)saga
matematikk - stærðfræði
bibliotek - bókasafn
diskusjon - samtal
debatt - umræða
argument - rök
gramatikk - málfræði
morfologi - I don't know. Ask Óskar.
resultat - niðurstaða
konklusjon - ályktun